Monday, February 24, 2014

Just Asking...

Asking questions can definitely spell trouble. Sometimes an inquiry can
be perceived as challenging or combative, even if we just want to know.

Sound like I've been there...well, yes. But these questions are Bible questions, and occasionally I'll be posting some for your comments...

1. Did Jesus wait to see who the Holy Ghost would anoint to say "You
are the Christ, the Son of the living God!", before He handed over the keys to the kingdom?

(Peter's response to Jesus' question "Who do YOU (the apostles) say
that I am?") To which Jesus said (paraphrased), "You didn't think THAT
up yourself, it was given to you by the Holy Spirit." Didn't Jesus wait on the Father to see who He would give those words to say? Didn't have
to be Peter. (Just thinking.)

2. Likewise, did it HAVE to be Judas? Someone had to be the betrayer, but did it have to be Judas Iscariot? Was he marked from birth in some way, or was he just the person to whom satan found easy entry? It is stated very clearly that, at the last supper, satan entered him, and he went out to betray Jesus. For some reason, he was easy prey. Bad attitude? Sin of greed or power?

The movie "Jesus of Nazareth" showed Judas to be disappointed and angry over Jesus' refusal to be a wordly "king". Did that make him vulnerable to such a heinous act?
(Just asking.)

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